Friday, October 28, 2016

DESE Revised Learning Standards

 Revised Learning Standards
Earlier this week, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education continued their discussions on proposed revisions to the state's learning standards for English language and math. The state's current learning standards (also called curriculum standards) in ELA and math were adopted in 2010 and incorporate the Common Core State Standards. After teachers had experience with several years of implementation, and given the ongoing development of a next-generation assessment, ESE solicited feedback and convened panels of educators to recommend revisions. The goal of the process is to keep the strengths of the current standards while making modifications and clarifications where needed.
Department staff outlined the proposed revisions for the Board on Monday, and in November, Board members expect to discuss the revisions again and send the proposal out for public comment. The recommended changes include increasing clarity, incorporating a variety of high school math pathways directly into the math standards document and making explicit connections among the reading, writing and language standards of the ELA standards. Links to the presentation to the Board and to charts showing proposed grade-by-grade changes are available at the bottom of this page.