Monday, June 12, 2017

Engaging all learners workshop

The Ayer-Shirley District is offering a 1 credit – 15 pdp workshop Engaging all Learners in All Grades for the charge $100 for out of district participants. Checks can be made out to Ayer Shirley Regional School District and mailed to the attention of Mary Beth Hamel at 115 Washington St., Ayer, MA. 01432

10. *Engaging All Learners  All Grades
Gail Okerman
This is a highly interactive workshop. The content is designed to support the cutting edge brain based and executive functioning approaches to develop deeper levels of focus, self regulation, social emotional awareness and critical thinking.
Target Audience:  All grades
Dates:  Thursday, June 22- Friday, June 23   
Location and Time: HS LGI Room   9:00 am -3:00 pm plus 3 hours online
PDPs: 15 PDP’S  (1 Graduate credit option $200)                                                                                                
Participants: Minimum 6 participants to run         

Click here to register