You are invited to Foxborough Public Schools' 2017 Professional Development Summer Institute!
Registration is now open for Foxborough's Professional Development Summer Institute taking place June 27-28, 2017. Over 200 educators participated in the institute last year with 29 school districts represented. We hope you can join us this year for what promises to be another great Institute!
The attached flyer outlines the choice of keynote speakers and over fifty workshops. Over the course of these two days participants will be able to choose the keynote presentation they would like to attend followed by breakout sessions ranging from sixty minutes to two hours in length. Keynote speakers are also highlighted below! Whether you decide to attend one or both days, there will be sessions to obtain PDPs in English Language Learning, Special Education, Literacy and Mathematics. If you attend both days there is an opportunity to obtain 10 PDPs in one of the four strands (ELL/SEI, SPED, Literacy and Math).
To register for the institute click on the link located on the attached flyer (and below). Once your registration information is processed you will receive an email confirmation from with a link to pick your sessions. With you will be able to quickly filter by your grade span or the content area when choosing your sessions. You will also be able to access your schedule from any mobile device.
The registration link for either one day, or both days is: foxboroughsummerinstitute
If you have any questions about registering or about the institute, please see contact Debbie Marcelonis at us.