Call for Proposals for Foxborough’s 2ndAnnual Summer Institute!
Foxborough held its first Summer Institute last June and to great success! As a result, the Professional Development Committee is excited to announce our 2ndAnnual Summer Institute and we invite you to submit a proposal to share your expertise with your colleagues and area educators. Breakout sessions can be proposed for 1 hour, 1 ½ hours or 2 hours in length. If you are considering more than one topic, please complete separate proposal forms. The focus for the institute will be in the areas of literacy, math, special education, ELL/SEI and social emotional learning. The PD Committee requests that workshops have a specific focus on applicable classroom strategies.
Presenters will attend the institute for free. In the instance where there are multiple presenters for a workshop, one free admission will be granted.
Please click on the following link to complete the proposal form. All proposals are due by Friday, March 24, 2017.
Link to proposal: d/e/ 1FAIpQLSeHrAyNT1iFq3TIagSSowdF fpPBxT75GHjOW5tTYbISx1jXCQ/ viewform