Monday, December 5, 2016

Self-paced online courses (SEI/ELL/Mentors)

The Center of Teacher Education and Research (CENTER)
a DESE approved professional development provider for K-12 in-service educators
at Westfield State University is offering:

1FOUR, 15 hour self-paced online courses each month that are approved and required forprofessional educator licensure renewal effective  July 1, 2016:

·         Three, 15 hour SEI self-paced online courses 
·         One, 15 hour Special Education online course

·         15 hour SEI courses:
o   “Understanding the Academic Language to Improve Content Area Instruction for ELLs” Creator:  Dr. Wilma Ortiz, Assistant Professor of Education, ELL Coordinator at Westfield State University

o   “Understanding Diversity and Cultural Competency to Support ELL Students in the Schools” This course was created for non-core professional educators who do not have teaching responsibilities.
Creator:  Pam Ciborowski, MPH, RN, BSN, Nursing and Wellness Coordinator, Barnstable Public Schools

o   “Using Technology to Support ELLs in SEI and ESL/ELD Classrooms”
Creator:  Dr. Stephanie Grimaldi, Associate Professor of Education at Westfield State University

·         15 hour Special Education course:
o   “Instructional Strategies for the Exceptional Student”
Creator:  Dr. Martin Henley, Author of 4 Special Education textbooks and former Director of Special Education and Professor Emeritus at Westfield State University
·         PDPs:  15
·         Cost:  $150 

2-An online, interactive, instructor taught 15 hour  SEI course:  “Understanding the Academic Language to Improve Content Area Instruction for ELLs” upon request
Duration:  One month
PDPs:  15
Graduate Credit (optional): One Westfield State University Graduate Credit available
Cost: $200 for 15 PDPs (An additional $80 charge for graduate credit)

3-An online, interactive, instructor taught 15 hour Special Education course:  Instructional Strategies for the Exceptional Student” upon request
Duration:  One month
PDPs:  15
Graduate Credit (optional): One Westfield State University Graduate Credit available
Cost: $200 for 15 PDPs (An additional $80 charge for graduate credit)

4-An online, interactive, instructor taught course:

“Developing High Quality Mentor Programs in School Districts”
  • In 2005, the Department of Secondary and Elementary Education mandated that all districts provide formal mentoring to beginning teachers. Subsequently, documentation of a year of mentoring became a requirement for teachers with initial licenses to apply for their professional license.

  • In 2009, a second year of mentoring was required for beginning teachers.

  • Last summer, DESE required districts to submit a detailed report digitally to the department documenting the district’s mentoring activities. 

  • Research abounds in the effectiveness of high quality mentoring in raising the effectiveness, competence, and retention of beginning teachers, which in turn, increases student performance. 

Course Description:
The Center for Teacher Education and Research at Westfield State University is offering an interactive, instructor taught, online course “Developing High Quality Mentor Programs in School Districts”.
This course is designed for educators who have a leadership role in their district‘s mentoring program, such as district mentor coordinators, human resource personnel, head mentors, or other district administrators. Through readings, research, and discussion, the course will guide the participants through a process for evaluating their current mentoring program and develop an action plan to improve the program so that it is in compliance with DESE guidelines for mentoring programs.

Instructor:  Jeannette Pierce, 17 years as a Mentor and 11 years as a Mentor Coordinator for Westfield Public Schools

Location: Interactive, instructor taught 15 hour online course
Duration:  One month: January 9-February 6, 2017 for 15 total hours
PDPs:  15
Graduate Credit (optional): One Westfield State University Graduate Credit available
Cost: $200 for 15 PDPs (An additional $80 charge for graduate credit)