Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fall Semester Course Offerings

Attached are descriptions of the 2 Brunell & Cavanaugh fall semester courses:

 1-Peer Observation and Collaborative Coaching                                 
2-Improving Instruction through classroom management, increased student engagement, and student autonomy.

1-Peer Observation ...has been offered for several semesters. This has been a very popular course and, based on universally positive teacher feedback, has been of IMMEDIATE benefit to both students and teachers. This is basically an online course utilizing the WSU Blackboard system. The one face-to-face component involves a scheduled formal observation by one of the instructors followed immediately by a non-threatening discussion. Participants will have an opportunity to observe a colleague of their choosing and to also be observed by a colleague. Observation guidelines are distributed; feedback is data driven and constructive.

2-Improving Instruction...was offered during this past summer session. This is a hybrid course with 4 face-to-face sessions and the remainder of the course online utilizing the WSU Blackboard system. The course discusses new management techniques, behavior modification plans, increased time on learning, and improving student engagement, especially as regards increasing student responsibility via the implementation of data charts to enable students to monitor and assess their learning.
All course materials and readings are provided.